Really useful information. When I’m on X, I always wonder whether the pro-CCP accounts are real or affiliated with the PRC. This article helps distinguish that, while also raising awareness on CCP-disinformation campaigns.

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Our democratically elected governments need to protect the electorate from outside influences. The appearance of AI and its use in social media is a real and present threat to society.

Short of cutting the underwater fibreoptic cables connecting us, and even then we'd still need to deal with satellites, there's only one sure way of tackling this surge of fake AI generated disinformation. Verification.

Legislation is needed to ensure all online social media accounts are real people. Perhaps we could have one central government managed verification server which is queried when accounts are set up by real people, so we don't hand over sensitive data to potentially unscrupulous actors, much like our authentication apps on our phones, or maybe all we need is the authenticator app anyway? Not my field of expertise, unfortunately.

And if bot accounts are to operate, they need to be licensed to real people or organisations. Not all bots are malicious, and indeed some are very useful, but like anything mankind invents, there are always bad actors who'll use it to gain advantage over others.

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